Now “Nirvana Dhamma” is in audio books for those who are blind. It is obvious that if a blind person is not trained to browse the internet they won’t get the chance of listening to these. So it’s time for you to do some good deeds. Share these with your blind friends those who are interested in listening to pure Buddhist teachings which heal the mind. You can find a Button says "Audio Dhamma Book" in each page where you can download the content as a audio. Download & share it with your Blind friends!
Get to know the story behind this noble project...
In this section you can find the "Audio Dhamma Books" collection. There you get the downloding options. Share it with your blind friends & relatives those who are interested in pure dhamma. Be a part of a noble activity... coz dhamma is for everyone.
A support of everyone makes things easy to continue. Most of the time, many support Nirvana Dhamma projects, even without asking them to support. That’s the real blessing we have in our lives. Here are the noble gifts received for this project…
Saman needed a pen drive filled with Dhamma sermons. We fulfilled his dream. He is happy and he was grateful to all those who support this noble project!